Advanced Chiropractic Clinic, Railway View, Macroom, Co. Cork.


The primary objective of chiropractic care is to find and reduce the underlying cause of your headache, not just take drugs to temporarily reduce symptoms.

Many forms of headaches are linked to cervical spine disorders. When a vertebra becomes misaligned, sensitive nerves become irritated and produce symptoms that include head pain. You might not notice your reduced ability to turn your head, but these vertebral subluxations affect nerves, muscles and even blood supply to your head.

Other causes of headaches

Of course there are other factors that can cause migraines and headaches, such as stress, certain foods, alcohol, or rare but more serious neurological complications. Dr. Browne takes a comprehensive approach to your diagnosis and treatment, examining any potential trauma to the spine. Chiropractic adjustments are one solution in the treatment of headaches. Laser Therapy has also been shown to significantly improve headaches.

If you suffer from headaches, please contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Browne today. We will gladly answer any of your questions and provide you with the best treatment options available to you. If you suffer from headaches, call us today 026 42116

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